The Generous Spirit Project
“There is real hope when we centre children’s education as a way of life, not just programs.”
Produced by Children’s Voices, Our Choices (MVAEC)
Stay connected
The generous spirit project
“When we teach our children our traditional values we stay connected to our ancestors. This makes children some of our most powerful teachers and healers.”
Inspired and narrated by Anhluut,uukwsim Gaak, Sherry Small, Nisga’a Nation this is how our new short animated film begins.
This project is a collaboration between Sherry Small, program manager of “Children’s Voices, Our Choices” of The Metro Vancouver Aboriginal Executive Council, and Drawing Wisdom with Funding from the City of Vancouver.
Inviting Your Feedback
Thank you for watching our short animation. We would be grateful if you could fill out this short feedback form. If you any questions or problems, contact us.
Support Grassroots Distribution
Drawing Wisdom works with Peers as we engage in community-style distribution. Support our grassroots model, which will include a community tour of "HIV: Healing Inner Voices" and a virtual launch of "Down Town Stories."