HIV: Healing Inner Voices film is almost finished!


HIV: Healing Inner Voices, Indigenous Film, Stigma


July 10, 2019

HIV: Healing Inner Voices explores the realities of living with HIV for eight Indigenous people who come from many Nations but all currently find themselves living in metro Vancouver.

Each tells their own story of facing stigma and discrimination, and where they find hope and love. This short, poetically-shot, documentary resounds with resilience, the healing power of Indigenous culture and most of all the strengths and voices of its’ makers. Honest and moving, this film will be a tool for healing.

Our goal is that HIV stigma and discrimination will be overshadowed through authentic representation, storytelling and cultural sharing. Most importantly, it will be a way to connect those who made it and those who will watch it, to community, and to culture.

We are preparing to show the finished film to the participants this month, and then begin to share it with the world!

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